Criminal Abuse by the Sanon Family from Rochester, New York, US


True crime account of a girl who married a US citizen of Indian-Punjabi origin and was severely abused by her criminal in-laws.

Bring these criminal abusers to justice by spreading awareness and staying alert.

RONICK SANON/ RONNIE SANON (Jacobs Asset Management, New York, NY);


MANISH SANON (The Smile Center, Penfield, NY);


DEVEN SANON (Relay Therapeutics, Boston, MA);

SERENA SANON (Buffalo University, Buffalo, NY);




IRS Tax Evasion and Tax Fraud; USCIS Immigration Fraud; IRCC Immigration Fraud; USA Customs Fraud; Canada Customs Fraud; Belize Customs Fraud; Embezzlement



In February 2021, Ronick Sanon, also known as Ronnie Sanon, a U.S. citizen of Indo-Punjabi descent from Rochester, NY, entered into a relationship with a foreign national. He persuaded her to relocate to the United States, leading her to leave behind her home, career, and country. The couple formalized their relationship through an intimate civil ceremony of marriage.

Ronick Sanon’s wife comes from a distinguished and accomplished family. Her father is a prominent industrialist who serves on the boards of major corporations, while her mother holds multiple advanced degrees and has received numerous accolades. Their family is highly reputed and influential across various sectors, including politics, corporate affairs, sports, and entertainment.

At the outset of her marriage to Ronick Sanon, his wife was unaware of the underlying dysfunction within his family. She had no prior knowledge of the challenges she would face, particularly from a family characterized by regressive, patriarchal values stemming from unresolved internal conflicts and trauma.

Critical information regarding the family’s history was not disclosed to her, including the high incidence of divorce within both the Sanon and Suri families. Among immediate family members, there had been a total of twelve divorces, including multiple divorces involving Ronick Sanon’s parents, Manish Sanon and Micky Suri (also known as Micky Sanon), their siblings, and grandparents.

Moreover, Ronick Sanon failed to disclose his substantial pre-marital financial liabilities. He had accrued over $275,000 in debt as a result of his gambling addiction, neither of which he revealed to his wife prior to their marriage.

This gambling addiction manifested during the marriage when Ronick Sanon engaged in identity theft, fraudulently using his wife’s identity to establish sports gambling accounts against restrictions in his contract of employment. This act constituted jeopardy to his wife’s professional career, while insulating him from any harm to his own career.

Throughout their marriage, Ronick Sanon’s wife encountered all forms of abuse from her marital family.

Ronick Sanon’s wife endured severe abuse from her father-in-law, Manish Sanon, who subjected his daughter-in-law to excessive mistreatment as retribution for assisting his second wife in escaping from his domestic violence and physical abuse. Interpreting her actions as a challenge to his authority, he engaged in deliberate and methodical cruelty intended to remove her from the family.

Ronick Sanon’s mother, Micky Suri, further exacerbated the situation through her manipulation and control. Micky Suri’s actions constituted severe abuse of Ronick Sanon’s wife as she persistently intruded into the private matters between husband and wife. Micky Suri coerced Ronick into revealing intimate details and offered unsolicited advice that exacerbated marital discord. Her intrusive behavior and incestuous tactics systematically undermined their marriage.

Additionally, without her daughter-in-law’s knowledge or consent, Micky Suri covertly involved Ronick in divorce proceedings by introducing him to a mediator. This deliberate interference was a clear abuse of her manipulative influence over her mentally weak son, intended to dismantle the marriage and inflict harm on Ronick Sanon’s wife for her own gain – Ronick Sanon’s wife, unlike Micky Suri’s own children, had refused to tolerate the elder abuse Micky Suri directed toward her own father, Darshan Suri.

An additional layer of abuse within the family dynamics was exemplified by Serena Sanon, Ronick Sanon’s sister. Her behavior reflected a blatant disregard for the well-being and autonomy of Ronick’s wife as a rent-paying leaseholder on their marital property. Serena routinely arrived to stay at their home for prolonged periods without so much as notice to Ronick Sanon’s wife, often accompanied by unfamiliar individuals. This invasion of space and privacy constituted a clear violation of boundaries, contributing to an oppressive atmosphere.

Serena Sanon not only exploited Ronick Sanon’s wife’s hospitality in accepting her generosity of meals, outings, clothing, jewelry without hesitation, but also engaged in emotional abuse characterized by a disturbing lack of respect and consideration. Despite all the efforts made by Ronick Sanon’s wife towards Serena Sanon’s comfort, Serena Sanon did not so much as have the decent upbringing to even wish Ronick Sanon’s wife on her birthday.

This consistent neglect and exploitation demonstrated a deliberate pattern of abusive behavior that left Ronick’s wife feeling marginalized and devalued. Serena’s actions were not merely intrusive; they were emblematic of a broader environment of emotional cruelty perpetuated by the Sanon family, further complicating the already challenging circumstances faced by Ronick’s wife in her marriage.

Tensions within the family were intensified by the involvement of Ronick Sanon’s sister-in-law, Simran Hotchandani-Sanon.

Ronick Sanon’s wife, through her extensive personal and professional networks, was both aware and forewarned about Simran Hotchandani-Sanon’s criminal background. She remained firmly against association of her family name and marital future with the criminality of Simran Hotchandani-Sanon and the Hotchandani family. This decision led to increased abuse from Simran Hotchandani-Sanon.

Simran Hotchandani-Sanon engaged in severe emotional and mental abuse, including ageist remarks, fertility shaming, and efforts to isolate Ronick Sanon’s wife. She collaborated with Manish Sanon to marginalize Ronick Sanon’s wife within the Sanon family structure.

Together, Simran Hotchandani-Sanon and Manish Sanon orchestrated a concerted effort to exclude Ronick Sanon’s wife from family events, rendering it impossible for Ronick Sanon and his wife to preserve peace in their marriage.

This pattern of exclusion was extended by Ronick Sanon’s twin brother, Deven Sanon, who engaged in further abusive conduct toward Ronick Sanon’s wife.

Deven Sanon engaged in severe psychological, emotional, and mental abuse by unlawfully obtaining access to Ronick Sanon’s private modes of communication with his wife. This deceitful breach of privacy involved the unauthorized viewing, import, and distribution of highly intimate communications between Ronick Sanon and his wife by Deven Sanon.

The invasive nature of this access, combined with Deven Sanon’s manipulation of family members, intensified Ronick Sanon’s wife’s emotional distress and isolation, underscoring the severe impact of his actions.

Throughout these events, Ronick Sanon failed to intervene or establish boundaries to protect his wife from the detrimental behavior of his family. His lack of action allowed the familial dysfunction to persist unchecked, leaving his wife without the necessary support and subjecting her to ongoing abuse from his family.


Ronick Sanon bears primary responsibility for the failure of his marriage and neglect of the commitments made to his wife. His wife made substantial personal sacrifices, including relocating from her home country, leaving behind her family, and abandoning her career in order to support their relationship. Despite these significant efforts, Ronick Sanon did not fulfil his marital obligations.

On the morning of December 23, 2022, Ronick Sanon displayed an apparent gesture of affection by kissing his then-pregnant wife and assuring her of his love before leaving for work. He informed her that an electrician would be arriving later that day. Contrary to his statement, the “electrician” was, in fact, a process server delivering divorce papers.

This deceptive act highlights the extent of Ronick Sanon’s narcissistic abuse of his wife. By gaslighting his pregnant wife with false assurances, he orchestrated the abandonment of their marriage, inflicting significant psychological abuse and traumatizing her.

Following this incident, Ronick Sanon instantly went from abandoning his marriage to participating in a green-card wedding arranged for his brother, Deven Sanon. This wedding, designed to mislead immigration authorities, took place in the attendance of his former girlfriend, Sana Duggal, while conspicuously excluding his legal wife.

At this event, Ronick Sanon publicly engaged in adultery with Sana Duggal, despite still being legally married to his then-pregnant wife.

In yet further abuse of his wife, Ronick Sanon canceled his wife’s medical insurance during a critical period when she was undergoing surgery for their shared ectopic pregnancy and subsequent procedures to address complications, including prominent laser burns. This left her without necessary medical coverage at an urgent time.

Ronick Sanon’s behavior reflects a broader pattern of narcissism within his family. Coupled with a family history of frequent divorces, his behavior emphasized a systemic disregard for the institution of marriage. His abuse of his wife, who made significant personal sacrifices, exposes a troubling dynamic of accepted mistreatment of women within his family structure.

Compounding the issue, Ronick Sanon’s actions were enabled through support from his mother, Micky Suri, who played a pivotal role in facilitating her son’s abuse of his own wife for her own personal gain.

Ronick Sanon is the catalyst for the breakdown of his marriage and the abuse of his wife. His failure to assume responsibility for his actions, to support his pregnant wife, along with the perpetuation of abuse by both himself and his family underscore his lack of fundamental accountability as a married man.


Micky Suri has persistently sought to have her son Ronick Sanon’s wife deported, inflicting considerable psychological and emotional distress on both Ronick Sanon’s wife and her family. This conduct is particularly notable given that Micky Suri is both an immigrant and a mother herself.

A significant episode involved Micky Suri making a late-night phone call to Ronick Sanon’s wife’s mother, instructing her to take her daughter back to her country. This call, made at an inappropriate hour for Ronick Sanon’s wife’s mother, contributed to her mother suffering a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), highlighting the adverse impact of Micky Suri’s cruelty.

Additionally, Micky Suri pressured Ronick Sanon to withdraw his support for his wife’s U.S. immigration petition. This move was particularly severe in light of the substantial sacrifices made by Ronick Sanon’s wife, who had left her home and abandoned her career graph for two years, based on her husband’s assurances.

Micky Suri then propagated and continues to propagate false allegations against Ronick Sanon’s wife with the intent of discrediting her and ultimately silencing her. Though Micky Suri’s claims have been consistently rejected by judicial and governmental authorities, underscoring their lack of validity.

Despite being a mother to a daughter herself, Micky Suri’s actions demonstrate a criminal lack of empathy for the well-being of another family’s daughter.


Micky Suri has engaged in multiple instances of violence against Ronick Sanon’s wife, including attempts to poison her, in response to the latter’s intervention to protect Ronick Sanon’s maternal grandfather, Darshan Suri, from severe elder abuse inflicted by Micky Suri.

Micky Suri had falsely declared her father, Darshan Suri, as suffering from dementia to gain control over his power of attorney and misappropriate his personal assets and finances. This false diagnosis led to the disregard of his decision-making capacity. Despite claiming to be his legal guardian, Micky Suri neglected his needs, particularly during the holidays when he was left alone in a senior citizens’ home.

Darshan Suri’s decision to disown Micky Suri due to her cruelty towards Ronick Sanon’s wife further intensified her animosity towards her daughter-in-law.

Contrary to Micky Suri’s claims, several established medical professionals have disproven her assertion of her father’s dementia. Darshan Suri remains clear-minded and actively engaged in financial trading, demonstrating cognitive abilities that surpass those of his daughter and her family. Micky Suri’s actions appear to be aimed at undermining his dignity and respect within the community.

Micky Suri’s conduct raises significant concerns, particularly regarding her treatment of both her daughter-in-law and her father. While the abuse of a daughter-in-law is a prevalent issue in such destructively patriarchal families, the simultaneous abuse of an elderly parent is especially alarming.

Micky Suri’s neglect of her father, coupled with her false declaration of his condition to secure financial gain, was further exacerbated by her encouragement of unethical behavior from her children, Serena Sanon (26) and Neal Sanon (19). Under Micky Suri’s supervision, Serena Sanon and Neal Sanon engaged in theft and unauthorized access of Darshan Suri’s communication devices. These devices were forcibly taken and hacked while Darshan Suri (87) was isolated due to COVID-19, leaving him without alternative means of communication in case of an emergency.

The accepted abuse of family members by other family members reflects significant dysfunction within the Sanon family due to Micky Suri’s coercive control and her lack of normalcy in stark contrast to other mentally-healthy women of her age.


Manish Sanon, father of Ronick Sanon, is a local dentist at the Smile Center in Penfield, NY, with a documented history of misogyny and mistreatment of women.

He fathered four children with his first wife of 18 years, then left her for a younger receptionist. During their divorce, he fathered two additional children with the receptionist. He married the receptionist but later divorced her as well. Currently in his sixties, he is involved with a new partner and has six children of various ages from various relationships.

Manish Sanon was also involved in a violent incident with Darshan Suri, his former father-in-law, which was witnessed by his children: Ronick Sanon, Deven Sanon, and Serena Sanon. Manish Sanon assaulted and punched Darshan Suri squarely in the face, causing him to fall and permanently injure his neck. Darshan Suri was 75 years old at the time. This act of violence occurred after Darshan Suri reported Manish Sanon’s infidelity with prostitutes to Manish Sanon’s parents. The incident is documented through police reports and records in Rochester, NY.

In April 2022, Manish Sanon’s second wife contacted Ronick Sanon’s wife in a distressed state, reporting physical abuse and violence by Manish Sanon. She was advised to contact the police and seek safety. Following this, Ronick Sanon’s wife faced severe abuse from Manish Sanon as a result of her assistance.

Manish Sanon, a Canadian-Indian immigrant who had acquired his US citizenship by virtue of marriage to a US citizen, subsequently sought to retaliate by threatening Ronick Sanon’s wife with deportation and attempting to disrupt their marriage, while also defaming her character. His actions have been aimed at silencing her and seeking retribution for her intervention.


Simran Hotchandani-Sanon’s family is implicated in various criminal activities, including: tax evasion, bribery, customs fraud, immigration fraud, embezzlement. Her father, Arun Hotchandani/Arun Sunder Hotchandani, holds an honorary consul position for India in Belize, a volunteer role. This position, self-nominated in a country with widespread corruption like Belize, has been exploited by Arun Hotchandani to facilitate illegal activities.

Arun Hotchandani, along with his family members Anil Hotchandani and Milan Hotchandani/Bindu Hotchandani, has been found guilty of evading customs duties and engaging in tax fraud. They have been involved in financial crime across various locations including Montreal, Boston, Miami, and Rochester, using cash transactions to circumvent IRS, USCIS, IRCC, and customs regulations, thereby accumulating illicit funds.

Simran Hotchandani-Sanon’s family operates souvenir shops in Belize, where they import goods from Canada and the United States. They have been found guilty of avoiding customs duties on both personal items and wholesale supplies. Simran Hotchandani-Sanon regularly avoids customs payments for personal and wholesale items in her trips to and from Belize, Canada, and the United States.

Additionally, Arun Hotchandani and Milan Hotchandani have been implicated for insurance fraud by falsely reporting thefts at their souvenir shops in Belize.

Simran Hotchandani-Sanon and her family frequently evade required customs duties and leverage Arun Hotchandani’s honorary consul position to bribe Belizean customs officials to facilitate the illegal importation of goods. Her family’s activities involve transporting significant quantities of goods without paying appropriate customs duties across Belize, Canada, and the United States.

The green-card marriage between Simran Hotchandani-Sanon and Deven Sanon is motivated by financial considerations and has solely been conducted for immigration to facilitate the criminal activities of the Hotchandani family. This cycle of criminal behavior, immigration fraud, and financial misconduct warrants a thorough investigation by the relevant authorities in Belize, Canada, and the United States.


The Sanon family has a documented history of involvement in immigration and tax-related crimes.

Micky Suri is a tax and audit specialist with a history of tax evasion and corruption. She has been implicated in aiding family members in committing tax fraud and exploiting loopholes to avoid accurate and owed tax payments.

Ashish Sanon, the brother of Manish Sanon, has been involved in large-scale immigration fraud in the United States, including criminal visa fraud to conduct medical practice. This felony was facilitated by accomplices, Micky Suri and Manish Sanon.

Additionally, Micky Suri has been implicated in arranging fraudulent green-card marriages. She facilitated a green-card marriage for her father to a woman with an Indian passport, and arranged another green-card marriage for her son, Deven Sanon, to Simran Hotchandani-Sanon, a woman with a Belizean passport.


Thorough investigation is necessary to identify and address the extensive criminal activities within the Sanon and Hotchandani families, including serious offenses such as immigration fraud, tax evasion, and systemic abuse of women.

Awareness of these crimes is essential for ensuring justice, protecting victims, and safeguarding the integrity of the legal system.